Life Legacy Venues

This is a full breakdown of our journey with Life Legacy Venues.

The Business

Life Legacy Venues is a beautiful rental space in North Las Vegas Nevada for weddings, baby showers, sweet16, etc.

Devin (client's name) and I started working together back in Sep 2022, and we just started with a couple of 1-on-1 coaching calls to help him get started with FB Ads.

Nowadays I run all of his marketing channels, his CRM system, website, social media accounts, and even attending some of his staff meetings!

The Business

Life Legacy Venues is a beautiful rental space in North Las Vegas Nevada for weddings, baby showers, sweet16, etc.

Devin (client's name) and I started working together back in Sep 2022, and we just started with a couple of 1-on-1 coaching calls to help him get started with FB Ads.

Nowadays I run all of his marketing channels, his CRM system, website, social media accounts, and even attending some of his staff meetings!

Facebook Ads

With FB Ads we started pretty small and as we started generating some solid ROAS (about 15-20), we scaled rapidly and today we already tripled our budget and see massive growth!

In terms of the strategy, we are using lead forms on Facebook Ads but we are planning to keep scaling our ads with new campaigns structure.

Google Ads

As we started getting some cashflow and profits from Facebook Ads, we have decided to diversify and add Google Ads into the mix.

Since it's a local business you need to scale it horizontally and not vertically because we don't want to increase our cost per result, so adding Google Ads to the strategy was a brilliant move to keep scaling and increase profitability without increasing our Cost Per Lead.

Google Ads

As we started getting some cashflow and profits from Facebook Ads, we have decided to diversify and add Google Ads into the mix.

Since it's a local business you need to scale it horizontally and not vertically because we don't want to increase our cost per result, so adding Google Ads to the strategy was a brilliant move to keep scaling and increase profitability without increasing our Cost Per Lead.

Website Complete Revamp

Nowadays, having a solid looking website is a must! And since we have started running Google Ads, this was another great move to get better returns on our marketing budget.

When someone's landing on your website the first time, you have to establish a good first-impression, and that can lead to better conversion rates and higher-quality leads.

CRM System & Automations

Now that we have many leads coming in through our funnel, it's very critical to keep track of everything and utilize automations to help the business to scale his paid advertising strategy efficiently!

I have my own white-label CRM system by GoHighLevel, and I think it's a MUST-HAVE when you work with LeadGen client. It's easier for the client to stay on top of things, and understand his numbers.

CRM System & Automations

Now that we have many leads coming in through our funnel, it's very critical to keep track of everything and utilize automations to help the business to scale his paid advertising strategy efficiently!

I have my own white-label CRM system by GoHighLevel, and I think it's a MUST-HAVE when you work with LeadGen client. It's easier for the client to stay on top of things, and understand his numbers.

Reputation Management

Now that we have leads flowing-in through our ads & funnels, we want to utilize all this data and clients to get as many positive reviews as possible, and to rank higher on Google organically.

Nowadays, we all search for service/businesses using Google or Google Maps, so it's essential that when anyone searches for your service/business, you will rank the highest, and have as many positive reviews to convince viewers that you are the #1 business in that area.

Branding With Youtube

At this point when everything is pretty much on auto-pilot, we want to focus more on branding and collaborations to help us get the word out about the business and increase conversion rates.

I always suggest business with small capital to focus on getting some cashflow with paid ads first, and then working on strong branding, awareness, and organic reach, so eventually the business can increase profitability and stop relying just on paid advertising.

Branding With Youtube

At this point when everything is pretty much on auto-pilot, we want to focus more on branding and collaborations to help us get the word out about the business and increase conversion rates.

I always suggest business with small capital to focus on getting some cashflow with paid ads first, and then working on strong branding, awareness, and organic reach, so eventually the business can increase profitability and stop relying just on paid advertising.

Client's Final Words

We already accomplished so much in just under a year, but we have still a very long way to go!

When I met Devin he was at a pretty bad state, and that's mainly because of the global pandemic that made ton of businesses to shutdown their doors, especially in his industry (Venues)! So I was fortunate enough to get to know this great person and help him to turn things around for the better :)