Digital Marketing


7-Figures digital marketer, content creator, and mentor.

Field Of Expertise

Here's what I know and master


FB & IG Paid Ads

Not to brag but Facebook Ads is something I can do in my sleep! After investing over $1M into Mark Zuckerberg's pocket, I am confident to say I have mastered this advertising platform.

Whether you need KILLER ad copy, a beautiful ad creative that will skyrocket your CTR%, or setting up a campaign tailored to your business that will drive your CPA to the floor, I can do it all.

Campaign Setup

Whether you are a local business, an E-commerce brand, or sell digital products, I can tailor the PERFECT campaign setup for your business, WorldWide!

Ad Creative Design

Ad Creative is the #1 ingredient for social media marketing success. Let me put on my Picasso hat, and design an ad creative that will drive your CTR% through the roof!

Stellar Copywriting

My ad copies are nothing less than Genius! Let me brainstorm and craft an ad copy that can even sell a Tesla to Elon Musk himself. And no, I don't use ChatGPT like the rest!

The journey since 2016

My Story

Hi everyone! My name is Sasha Polischuk, I am a digital marketer since 2016. I started my journey as a dropshipper with 7-figures in sales across all my e-commerce stores.

Somewhere around 2018, I decided to start my own Youtube channel to document my journey and help others across the globe by recording helpful videos about dropshipping & digital marketing (FB Ads mainly).

In 2020 I started working as a freelancer in addition to what I was already doing, offering digital marketing services. I feel it's easier doing the marketing myself instead of trying to teach someone years and years of experience, and over $1M invested into Facebook ads.

Watch & Learn!

I share my knowledge & secrets on my Youtube channel, go watch it.

FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course

This is my 4-hour long Shopify dropshipping course that shows you everything step by step, holding nothing back.

Facebook Ads Low Budget Strategy For Ecommerce & Dropshipping

If you don't have a large capital to start running FB ads for your brand, you can use my low-budget strategy.

1-Week Shopify Dropshipping Challenge

I tried building a successful Shopify dropshipping business in just one week.

Loud & Clear!

What my clients have to say about me.


"Quick, knowledgeable, and gives you the tools you need for success. If you are reading this, you are wondering if it's worth it. I was in your position, and I'm telling you, the reader, you need to schedule with this, man 1 on 1."

- Ali Ashmaig.


"Sasha was amazing! Extremely knowledgeable and professional. I highly recommend his service. What took my team and I forever to figure out, he did in 5 minutes! His service was worth every penny. Thank you, Sasha"

- Dolve Levi.


"The thing that got me the most is the personal videos with steps I should do that he sends me. This shows a lot of attention to every client, not just sending ready content. So I'm pretty confident that he is your perfect guy."

- Iliana Bojanina.